Skateboard and Snowboard

Bring new thrills to your jumping sessions with the trampoline skateboard! The trampoline gives you an unparalleled sense of freedom with jumps and sequences of figures it lets you perform.

Perform figures with the trampoline skateboard

For even more amazing figures, France Trampoline makes available boards that are specially designed for use on the jumping mat, that will not tear the mat or damage your installation.

Practice this innovative, stimulating, playful sport by slipping on a freeestyle board or pair of skis. Their bindings are adaptable to several shoe sizes to allow many jumpers to use tham. Winter sports buffs will be able to practice their figures in the safety of their own garden. As for the trampoline skateboard, it offers everything a real skateboard does in terms of thrills and sensations this sport has to offer. Exercise your muscular memory and work on your figures on the trampoline before performing them on hard ground.

The trampoline skateboard for new sensations

Fans of sports on wheels will enjoy our trampoline skateboard. Specially designed for use on a jumping mat, this board lets you perform complex figures in complete safety. The protection pad surrounding the jumping area protects users in the event of a fall. Muscular memory makes it easy to learn new tricks to practice safely and securely.

In addition to its rounded shape, the board is equipped with specially-made trucks that make bouncing easy. France Trampoline also lets you transform your own skateboard into a trampoline skateboard thanks to a pair of airtrucks!

Different types of boards available

Like sliding sports? Regain a great sense of freedom, even away from the slopes, with our differrent trampoline boards. In addition to the trampoline skateboard, France Trampoline also supplies sports accessories that are optimally designed for intensive use on the jumping mat. You'll ne able to perform acrobatic jumps and figures in the comfort and safety of your own garden.

Our boards and freestyle skis are designed for both novices and confirmed athletes. Their universal bindings and lightweight materials make them easy to use. Ajustable to your shoe size, our bindings let everyone enjoy this innovative, dynamic leisure activity.

5 Products
  • In stock

    Skateboard designed to be used on a trampoline.

    94,90 €
  • In stock

    Freestyle board with fixings made from poplar wood and high-density foam. This real board is sold with its ultra comfortable adjustable bindings.

    329,90 €
  • In stock

    Freestyle Pro skis are especially made to be used on trampolines. 

    329,90 €
  • In stock

    Accessories to replace traditional trucks to adapt your skateboard to trampoline use. Made of polyurethane, they allow you to use your skateboard on a trampoline without causing any damage to the jumping mat.

    49,90 €
  • In stock

    Training board for freestyling on a trampoline.

    109,90 €
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